Your family relies on you for financial assistance, but if you pass away suddenly, that assurance and stability is with you. During that time when one is unable to safeguard their loved ones, our life insurance policy might provide the departed with the peace of mind that even after they’re gone, their family will be in safe hands. We go an extra mile to talk to you and understand your needs and advise you with the ideal plans that offer you the right coverage you need.
Term Insurance:
Term Life Insurance covers you for a set period. It guarantees payment if a death occurs in the specified term. If the specified term expires, the policy can be renewed, terminated, or even converted to a permanent insurance plan.
Universal Insurance
Universal Insurance is also known as permanent insurance. They are widely popular due to their flexible nature. The death benefit is adjustable, allowing you to increase or decrease as per your circumstances. Any cash value generated can be used to pay for the premiums and you also get an option to pay any amount as premium and at any time.
Whole Life Insurance
Unlike Universal Insurance where premium payments are flexible, Whole Life Insurance covers you for a lifetime, as long as you keep paying the fixed premiums. Whole Life Insurance is common for people or families who need to take care of their long term responsibilities such as child’s education or estate taxes.
How it Works
With years of experience under its belt, our team provides consultation services while putting your needs first. We partner with leading life cover insurance providers to ensure that all our clients are able to receive the best offers at the most affordable rates.